Apartamento is widely recognised as today’s most influential, inspiring, and honest interiors magazine. International, well designed, simply written, and tastefully curated since 2008, it is an indispensable resource for individuals who are passionate about the way they live. The publication is published biannually from its headquarters in Barcelona. It also has offices in New York, Milan and Berlin.
In this most tumultuous of years, Apartamento’s back with its trusty companion to cooking, our fifth annual cookbook that in 2020 we’ve dedicated to spices and herbs, the magic, medicinal stuff of legend, the foundation of whole civilisations, and the hot and fiery but also calm and soothing starting point for all 16 recipes in this book. Whichever you need, Cookbook #5: Herbs & Spices has you covered—this year with illustrations by US artist Zebadiah Keneally.
Featuring: Charles Perry, Dalad Kambhu, David Zilber, Enrique Olvera, Fanny Singer, Helina Tesega, James Henry, Jekka McVicar, Kouki Watanabe, Lowena Hearn, Maria Solivellas, Omar Koreitem & Moko Hirayama, Stephen Harris, Sunita Kohli, Tara Thomas, and Tiberi Club.
44 pages
170 x 240 mm
black and white
スペイン発のインテリア雑誌『Apartamento』が2016年よりスタートした、年一回刊行のレシピブック『Apartamento Cookbook』シリーズ。第5号は『Apartamento Cookbook #5: Herbs & Spices』。魔法のような薬効を持ち、あらゆる文明の基礎となっている伝説の食材である「スパイス」と「ハーブ」。熱く燃え滾るようでありながら、穏やかに和らげるその特徴が、本書に掲載されている16のレシピの出発点となっている。イラストレーションはアメリカ人アーティストのゼバディア・キニーリー(Zebadiah Keneally)が手がけ、世界各国のシェフ、料理評論家、作家が特集されている。